Another turn, another fall
Cannot stop, yet, I've given my all
Knowledge seeks no man, so seek, less you grow old
Leave you to rot, and become tarnished gold

  • Race: Xaela

  • Gender: Male

  • Sexuality: Pansexual - Male lean - True Vers

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Age: 24

  • Height: 6'8

  • Occupation: Researcher/Scholar/Medic

Sugar is quite vain. Always worried about his appearance and looking his best. He refuses to be anything but the center of attention as far as looks go. When speaking and working with him, he can be quite aloof and cold. However, he warms up quickly unless you're Xaela. He often only introduces himself as Sugar, no last name, no tribe. With strangers, he tends to lie about being Avagnar, opting to call himself Adarkim until he trusts them. Though Xaela from the Adarkim tribe he will avoid as best he can.

Sugar was born and raised on the Azim Steppe. Sometime during his childhood, the Avagnar tribe was subjugated by the Adarkim. Confused and distressed when no longer allowed to recognize his own tribe as separate. He started harboring much resentment towards his subjugators and his own tribesmen. While deep in his mind he recognized it was for survival, his culture and life felt horribly repressed.Sneaking off to leave the Steppe for good, he found himself a mentor and mother-figure in a sagely Lalafell, a part of the Sons of Saint Coinach, Wachacha Wacha. She inspired him to learn and become a Summoner and encouraged his self-expression. First teaching him to read, write, and speak in Common, Doman, and Hingan.While his name has meaning in astrology, he learned that in spelling his name that many Common speakers read it as the ingredient 'sugar'. This is, of course, frowned upon by him. While he can withstand the puns and such of his coincidental aesthetic and name, they can send him into small fits.He was thankful for his adoptive mother's teachings and direction, his interest was solely in the Summoner and Scholar arts. Spending much time in Nym to uncover as much as he could. Eventually becoming dissatisfied that anything he uncovered was something already known and taught, even if it was newly uncovered after being lost to time. Eager he was to prove himself above the rest.This has made him turn to where the Summoners of Allag and Scholars of Nym once sought to stand away from; Black and White magic. In delving in this road, his own aether often starts to become corrupted. Making his scales change hue to reflect the nature of which side his aether has tipped. More purple and black for the umbral, or strangely reflective and crystal for astral.Being a creature of vanity, Sugar hides his scales if he starts to become corrupted. Wearing long sleeves and scarves, even going as far as to paint his horns. He often visits his adoptive mother to balance his aether out, much to her dismay in that her son is playing a dangerous game.

  • You're a bodyguard/mercenary/gleaner - Sugar is always in need of these. Even when off adventuring down into Nym or otherwise for leads on magic, he intends to look his best and leave the dirty work to others.

  • Fellow scholarly types - He's always eager to talk about his newest finds or different techniques with others.

  • Just find him interesting enough to talk to - He enjoys attention. While at first he might be callous and rude, it isn't hard to butter him up with compliments.

  • Fellow Avagnar - While he might be especially cold to former tribesman, it doesn't mean he isn't somewhat relieved to see another.

  • Can balance aether - Sugar is constantly delving into the taboo arts of Black and White magic often resulting in the balance of his aether to tip towards Umbral or Astral; leading to a steady corruption unless addressed. Someone who can help him in this matter would be valuable, in the least, to keep him from crawling back to his mother-figure and, at most, saving his life often.

  • Curse Removal - Sugar is skilled in removing curses from both people and inanimate objects.

OOC Info

  • I will only RP with 18+ individuals. This is just a general rule I have. If I find out you're underage I will yeet myself accordingly.

  • I am NOT looking for an OOC relationship. Just because my character has interest in yours, it is strictly IC. I'm happily married IRL.

  • Never be afraid to DM me but be reasonable. I will get to things as soon as I can.

  • Communication is key! I am always up for collaboration or otherwise so long as you communicate things OOCly to me.

  • Please don't fling your 'canonically THE WoL' or '1st/2nd rung Voidsent' at me. I will never shit on your fun and everyone has a right to play what they want, but I try to be mostly lore abiding and these things are rarely played correctly. If this is something played well, I'm happy to make exceptions or try to work with/around people.